7 ways to win at social media

social mediaSocial media is critical to any new business or start-up. Not sure where to start? Check out our mini guide to social media, courtesy of Kaushal Tailor – social media strategy expert with clients including BBC Asian, YouTube and Google, who spoke at a recent TableCrowd dinner.

7 ways to win at social media

  1. Quality vs quantity
    You don’t have to post every day! If you have an audience of 20 people and they’re responding to you, that’s great.
  2. Be consistent
    The main reason why you will receive ‘unfollows’ is due to sporadic content.
  3. Reward and respond to your community
    They are more likely to be loyal to you and respond to you back.
  4. Be innovative
    Bend the rules.
  5. Look at other markets and compare with them
    How are other start-ups doing their social?
  6. Pick your platforms
    There’s no need to be on every platform all the time. If your company is only Facebook and Twitter, then stick to them and cultivate your audience.
  7. Be brave
    Don’t be afraid to fail! You have to start somewhere.

Final word: Kaushal believes that it’s not about ‘social’ anymore, it’s about being ‘live’. Live content, such as periscope, or Snapchat, is taking precedence over older forms of social media. ‘Live’ is also about coming offline, and seeing people face to face. People are currently realising what social media is doing to their lifestyle, how we are all constantly plugged in to our devices, and for this reason, she’s noticing a trend in reverting back to the old ways of communicating.

You can lose before you can win at social media. Bringing people offline is now what companies are starting to do, in the pursuit to bring people back online!

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